Korda Square Inline Leads
Due to the four flat sides on the lead, it’s virtually impossible for
the carp to roll this lead on the bottom. This means the carp has to
move the whole lead so feeling the full weight instantly. Carp up-end to
feed sitting in water in an almost vertical position.
If they pick up your hook bait and right themselves, the shortness of
the lead means it will be picked up off the lake bed very quickly. The
carp now has the hook in its mouth hanging under which is all of your
lead – no resistance to feel the weight almost immediately. In another
situation the carp may have spotted the bait or sensed it and will take
while still moving, this time dragging the lead rather than picking it
up. The flat sides of the lead then cause as much drag against the lake
bed as possible pulling the hook as far in as possible, again creating
an instant bolt effect.
The compact shape plus the flat sides and smooth tapering make the
square pear inline the most effective bolt lead available today. If you
are fishing ultra hard waters or need to improve the efficiency of your
bolt rig the square pear inline is the only lead to use.
The large flat surface area creates as much grip on the lakebed as
possible. This enables you to fish on marginal shelves and slopes, on
top of or on sides of bars without fear of the rig rolling down. The
improved grip also allows you to get a super tight line, ideal at range
or when fishing against snags. This makes this lead perfect when boating
out baits on big foreign waters or when river fishing.