Carp Reels


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Left Or Right Hand.

  • Prologic Fulcrum BF TF Handle 4000 5+1Bb

  • Prologic Fulcrum BF TF Handle 3000 5+1Bb

  • Prologic Element XD 8000 Fd 6+1Bb

  • Prologic Element XD 7000 Fd 6+1Bb

  • Sonik Tournos XD 10000

  • Daiwa 20 GS BR LT 3000

  • JRC DR 8000 FS Reel

  • JRC DR 10000 FS Reel

  • JRC RV 7000 Reel

  • JRC XTX 6000 LC Reel

  • Fox 14000 XC

  • Fox 10000 XC


Our selection of Carp Reels is designed to provide the performance and durability you need to catch that elusive carp. Made from high-quality materials, our reels offer the strength, speed, and sensitivity you need to succeed on the water.

Original Product

100% Original product that covered warranty by the vendor.

30 Days Warranty

You have the right to return your orders within 30 days.

Global Shipping

Your orders are shipped seamlessly between countries.

100% Secure

Your payments are secure with our private security network.

Our selection of Carp Reels is designed to provide the performance and durability you need to catch that elusive carp. Made from high-quality materials, our reels offer the strength, speed, and sensitivity you need to succeed on the water.