Winter is a great time for angling, but it can be challenging and demanding. It is essential to know the right techniques and practices to be successful, especially if you are fishing on commercial lakes. Feeder fishing in the winter on commercial lakes is a popular angling approach that requires specialized knowledge and equipment. This article will share insights on how to feeder fish in the winter on commercial lakes, including where to cast, types of feeders, and baits.

Understanding Feeder Fishing in the Winter

Feeder fishing is a technique that involves using a bait-filled feeder to attract fish. The feeder is typically fitted with a cage or mesh that contains small pellets, maggots, or other baits that are of interest to the fish. The bait is released into the surrounding water, attracting the fish to the area. Feeder fishing can be done in various water bodies, including ponds, lakes, and rivers. However, during the winter, the water temperatures are low, and fish are less active. Therefore, feeder fishing requires more patience, precision, and specialized tools during this season.

Location, Location, Location

The best spot for feeder fishing in winter is in areas where water flows in colder temperatures. During winter, many fish leave deeper waters and move towards warmer water sources. As such, anglers should cast their feeder rigs near the lake’s inflow areas, where warmer water from underground springs or other sources flow into the lake. These areas are usually well oxygenated, increasing the chances of catching fish.

Feeder Fishing Tactics

When setting up your feeder rig, consider the depth of your chosen swim. During winter, fish are less likely to move to the surface in search of food, meaning they are more likely to be found in deeper areas. Therefore your setup should allow you to fish at the right depth. You can use a combination of slow sinking baits to help get your rig to the desired depth.

Types of Feeders

Feeders come in different shapes and sizes, and each has unique properties that appeal to different fish. Here are some of the most common types of feeders:

1. Inline Feeders

Inline feeders are popular among anglers as they can be used to fish different lakebeds. They are perfect for deep waters and fast-running rivers and can hold an impressive amount of bait. However, they can be difficult to align, which requires practice.

2. Cage Feeders

Cage feeders are easily cast and hold a lot of bait, making them ideal for long-distance fishing. However, they can be tricky to use in the winter as the mesh can freeze. A trick to prevent this is to use a hair rig to attach your bait, so it dangles away from your feeder.

3. Method Feeders

Method feeders are ideal for fishing in still waters as they can carry a lot of bait and draw in a wide range of fish. They come in different shapes, but the cylindrical ones are best suited for winter fishing, as they can bury in silt, giving the fish a sense of safety.

Baits Used in Feeder Fishing

The choice of bait for winter feeder fishing on commercial lakes can be challenging. The key is to use a bait that appeals to fish in colder temperatures, ensuring they draw closer to your swim. Here are some of the best baits to use:

1. Red Maggots

Red maggots appeal to many species of fish such as roach and bream and are great for clear water. They can be used as a stand-alone bait or mixed with other baits like sweetcorn or luncheon meat.

2. Pineapple Flavour Hard Groundbait

This bait is particularly effective for winter fishing and can help draw in fish. Its sweet smell attracts the fish, and as it breaks down, it releases tiny particles that drift towards the fish, drawing them even closer to your swim.

3. Sweet Corn

Sweetcorn is a versatile and cost-effective bait that can be used all year round. Its bright color and sweet flavor make it perfect for winter feeder fishing, and it tends to work well for roach, carp, and bream.


Feeder fishing in the winter on commercial lakes requires specialized equipment, patience, and knowledge of the right techniques. When feeder fishing, it is important to cast your rig in the right location, choose the right type of feeder and bait, and fish at the right depth. With practice and the right equipment, you are sure to have a great time angling and catch big fish. Remember to dress warmly and take plenty of breaks to keep your circulation moving, and above all, stay safe.

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